Fire the Inner Boss: Unleash the Brilliance of Your Front-Line Leaders

“When we focus on our front line, it impacts the bottom line.” 

– Kelly Merbler

Developing your front-line leaders into leaders whom others want to follow is critical to ensuring maximum engagement, retention, and revenue.

The reality is that company expectations are rising, but most managers aren’t prepared to meet them and all their demands.

Many organizations make the error of promoting for tenure - not talent. Management is not leadership.

When you develop front-line leaders, it impacts the bottom line and increases the capacity of your organization.

Kelly’s 21-year career in staffing uniquely qualifies her to address the issue of front-line leader development. She uses real-world examples of standing in the trenches with leadership teams and provides an action plan to ensure attendees transition from boss to coach, ignite engagement, and multiply the leaders within your organization.

In this presentation, participants will learn:

  • The 4 key needs all followers require from leadership and how to apply these skills.

  • How to become a coaching leader to drive business performance through connection.

  • How to spark unity within your culture, so employees feel heard, connected, and recognized for the value they bring.

  • How to increase leadership communication that sparks engagement and aligns with values.