Cracking the Culture Code: Unlock Potential, Inspire Purpose, Fuel Engagement

As a leader, you don’t just build the culture, you are the culture. Hold on to the talented leaders shaping the future of your organization.

Creating a high-performance culture is the gateway to attracting and retaining the best talent leading to maximum profits.

Creating a culture that attracts and retains the very best talent is attainable, but you must have the right ingredients to begin.

In this energetic keynote, Kelly will introduce the key ingredients necessary to create a culture where employees are highly engaged, inspired, and carrying your company’s mission forward through purpose.

There simply isn’t a magic solution available to create a productive organizational structure. However, Kelly’s guidance will help to establish a sustainable plan for substantive change within your organization and a direct positive impact on your organization’s bottom line.

In this presentation, participants will learn:

  • How your organization’s culture impacts your ability to attract, develop, retain, and satisfy the right employees, customers, and partners — and, in turn, your ultimate profitability

  • Critical steps to build unity within your culture so that employees feel connected and recognized for the value they bring.

  • A case study: how in two years, a top-performing employee went from highly engaged to not engaged and how you can spot the signs of disengagement within your culture.

  • Practical tips to keep culture connected in a hybrid world